GSDCA Newsletters
The GSDCA Executive and Office Holder update Newsletters can be viewed here
The judges appointed to major German Shows and Trials in 2016 has been released. German judging appointments Richter_2016 for further information
The GSDCA AGM was held over the weekend February 11 & 12th. At the AGM newly elected National Breed Commission Chair Melanie Groth and Obedience Chair Julie Urie were appointed. We welcome them to the team. We also acknowledged the contribution of outgoing NBC Chair Joylene Neddermeyer and Obedience Chair John Delucia, for their contributions…
The capabilities of a dogs nose are endless. Scientists are proving that dogs can pick up the smell of a disease, where other testing cannot. Read the story from The Australian here
I would personally like to thank the hundreds of volunteers involved at all levels of our clubs throughout Australia. A job well done, and very much appreciated. Regards Sean Lynch GSDCA President
The Definitive German Shepherd Dog (2022) Author Louis C Donald The German Shepherd Dog Council of Australia wish to acknowledge the outstanding achievement and lifetime support of the German Shepherd Dog by a past President (1976 – 1994). Louis and his wife Gail embarked on the writing of this 1100+ page works over four years…
The calendar of Breed Survey Dates for all states for 2023 is now available for those interested and for planning. View the calendar here