Welcome back online ! Newcastle and Hunter Region GSDC has a new website. Check out the site for all the latest news and upcoming shows www.newcastlegsd.com
Welcome back online ! Newcastle and Hunter Region GSDC has a new website. Check out the site for all the latest news and upcoming shows www.newcastlegsd.com
The calendar of Breed Survey Dates for all states for 2023 is now available for those interested and for planning. View the calendar here
The GSDCA AGM was held over the weekend February 11 & 12th. At the AGM newly elected National Breed Commission Chair Melanie Groth and Obedience Chair Julie Urie were appointed. We welcome them to the team. We also acknowledged the contribution of outgoing NBC Chair Joylene Neddermeyer and Obedience Chair John Delucia, for their contributions…
The capabilities of a dogs nose are endless. Scientists are proving that dogs can pick up the smell of a disease, where other testing cannot. Read the story from The Australian here
The 59th Annual General Meeting of the GSDCA was held in Melbourne on February 8th and 9th 2020. Congratulations to the successful candidates, the 2020 GSDCA Executive is: President: Sean Lynch National Breed Commission: Chair Jenny Yuen Secretary: Lyn Phillis Judges Coommittee Chair: Louis Donald Treasurer: Peter Flynn Quarterly National Review Editor: Jacinta Poole. Obedience…
The GSDCA is interested in capturing health information regarding the GSD. Particularly if your dog has been diagnosed with an illness, or they have passed away from something other than old age. It is important that our Health and Welfare Committee receive data relating to the health of the GSD, that may even assist other…
For anyone interested in advertising in the GSDCA’s magazine, the following are the closing dates for content for the winter, spring and summer editions. All enquiries to the Review editor Jacinta are most welcome – revieweditor@gsdcoucilaustralia.org Closing dates: 24 July 2016 5 September 2016 5 November 2016