SV Character Test demonstration at sieger show
For anyone travelling to Germany to the sieger show, there will be a presentation of the new SV Character Test on 1 September 2016 at 3.30pm, as well as on 3rd September at 12.30pm at the Zeppelinfeld.
The eulogy presented by GSDCA President Mr Vince Tantaro at the funeral of Juergen Neddermeyer is now provided. Juergen was a highly regarded and respected member of the Australian GSD community, we mourn his loss and recognise his significant contribution to our breed in Australia Mr Juergen Neddermeyer- a Tribute
The 59th Annual General Meeting of the GSDCA was held in Melbourne on February 8th and 9th 2020. Congratulations to the successful candidates, the 2020 GSDCA Executive is: President: Sean Lynch National Breed Commission: Chair Jenny Yuen Secretary: Lyn Phillis Judges Coommittee Chair: Louis Donald Treasurer: Peter Flynn Quarterly National Review Editor: Jacinta Poole. Obedience…
The calendar of Breed Survey Dates for all states for 2023 is now available for those interested and for planning. View the calendar here
The Summer edition of the GSDCA Quarterly National Review is out now. Members should receive their copy in the mail. Past editions can be viewed here non-members can subscribe here
Welcome back online ! Newcastle and Hunter Region GSDC has a new website. Check out the site for all the latest news and upcoming shows
The SV have released a christmas special price for access to their SV-DOxS databank. get 14 months access for the price of 12. offer ends 20/12/2016. View the christmas promotion flyer