NBC Reports
Full reports from the recent National Breed Commission and Judges Committee meetings are now available. View here
The Spring edition of the Quarterly National Review is now available to view. Read it and all previous editons here
At the GSDCA Annual General Meeting held on February 9th and 10th 2019, Mrs Jenny Yuen was elected to the position of National Breed Commission Chairperson. We congratulate Jenny on her election and welcome her to the GSDCA Executive. Also elected were Mrs Val Moody as GSDCA Secretary and Mrs Julie Urie as GSDCA Obedience…
As from 2nd December 2013, New Import Conditions will Apply. For full details refer to : http://www.daff.gov.au/biosecurity/cat-dogs
All animals and semen imported go through a Title Verificaton process. The details of dogs that have bene veririfed over the last 18 months can be viewed here. Most recent dogs at the top. All new dogs will be added to this page. Import Verification
The GSDCA 62nd Annual General Meeting was held on 4th February 2023. Congratulations to the elected Executive members: National Breed Commission Chair: Ian Urie Secretary: Janet Haase Obedience Chair: Alastair Henderson Thankyou to outgoing secretary Lyn Phillis and Obedience Chair John DeLucia for their service to the GSDCA.
The GSDCA’s Hip and Elbow Scheme goes fully digital on 1st July 2024. From this date, members can apply, buy and recieve contracts online. Then after x-rays, submit your x-rays online direct to your radiologist, who will score them, then resutls will be emailed directly to you. Stay tuned!