National Exhibit Photos for the QNR !
National Exhibitors are reminded that the deadline for submitting alternate photos for inclusion in the QNR for all dogs placed 1-10 is Monday June 5th at 10pm. If you would like to view the photos taken by the official photographer, please contact Cathy Shayler ASAP. (email:
Requirements for Printing of Photographs of Placegetters at the National Show and Trial
For Publication purposes:
- All conformation exhibits placed 1st to 10th, and all Excellent graded exhibit owners will be required to supply a photo of their animal as placed at the Show.
- All obedience entrants are to be photographed at the time of vetting. The animal shall be in a sitting position alongside of the Handler.
- The photo must be supplied as a high quality (min 1Mb) ‘jpg’ file
- Failure by the owner to supply a photograph will see no photograph of their animal included in the QNR.
What do YOU need to do ?
- There will be an Official Photographer at the National Show and Trial. Conformation placegetters will be photographed at the conclusion of each class. Obedience exhibitors will be photographed at the time of check-in and vetting.
- It is the responsibility of exhibitors to view and approve the photograph taken at the event by the Official Photographer. All conformation placegetters and every obedience competitor should ask to view the photo taken by the Official Photographer, and if desired, authorise its provision to the QNR Editor on your behalf.
- If you wish to substitute your own image of your animal for that taken by the official photographer, it MUST be forwarded to the Editor by 10pm on 5th June, 2017.
- The format must be jpeg and with file size of 1MB or greater.
- The email accompanying the image must state in the subject line:
Catalogue number# • Class: • Animal’s name# • Placing:
- Submissions must contain the animal’s information described above
- Exhibitors failing to use either the photo taken by the official photographer or provide their own image by the due date, will have their animals critique published BUT WITHOUT a photo L
The deadline for photo submissions is 10pm, 5th June 2017.
Your cooperation would be greatly appreciated.
If you have any questions regarding the supply of your animal’s photo for the Review, please email the Editor (Jacinta) for help at