Hip & elbow Stats to Dec 2016
The complete GSDCA Hip and Elbow (HD ED) control scheme progeny statistics are now available. View here
From July 1st 2017, two GSDCA Breed Improvement Schemes have changed. Breed Survey Scheme: From July 1st 2017, animals presented to Breed Survey will receive a single ‘Breed Surveyed’ classification. The Class I and Class II classifications will cease to exist. Animals surveyed prior to July 1st will retain their class I or II classifications….
The GSDCA Hip and Elbow Dysplasia Sire statistics to December 2022 have been released. They can be viewed here
The GSDCA Hip and Elbow Dysplasia Sire Statistics to December 2021 are now available. View here
As a result of the motion carried at the 2015 GSDCA AGM the ANKC have approved that a survey is conducted of all owners of registered German Shepherd Dogs to amend the current Litter Registration Limitations (LRL) relative to screening for hip and elbow dysplasia for German Shepherd Dogs. The survey will only take a…
The GSDCA’s Breed Survey Forum Feedback Survey closes THIS FRIDAY, June 3rd at midnight. Don’t miss the chance to have your say and provide valuable feedback. We want to hear from you. The survey only takes about 10 minutes, so please contribute !!! Complete the survey here
GSD Litter Registration Limitation (LRL) The German Shepherd Dog Council (Australia) requested an ANKC Ltd survey to be conducted of owners of registered German Shepherd Dogs to amend the current LRL relative to screening for hip and elbow dysplasia for the breed. The ANKC Ltd Board approved the request and the survey was circulated and…