Executive Update
The latest Executive update (April 24) is now available. View it here
The GSDCA’s Hip and Elbow Scheme goes fully digital on 1st July 2024. From this date, members can apply, buy and recieve contracts online. Then after x-rays, submit your x-rays online direct to your radiologist, who will score them, then resutls will be emailed directly to you. Stay tuned!
The World Union of German Shepherd Dog Clubs (WUSV) elected Professor Dr. Heinrich Meßler as the new President on May 29 2015. The GSDCA is a member of the WUSV. Below is a profile released by the WUSV. Professor Dr. Heinrich Meßler, President of the WUSV PROFILE Professor Dr. Heinrich Meßler WUSV President Professor Dr….
Breeders and Owners – Please Note Please ensure that your veterinarian is aware of this requirement, as documented on the GSDCA HD/ED Control Scheme Application form under “Advice to Veterinarian”, which reads as follows : “Computer Radiography Generated Images (Digital X-rays) : For computer radiography generated images (digital x-rays) to be accepted by the GSDCA…
The agenda for the GSDCA AGM to be held on 3rd and 4th February is available here
We are pleased to announce that on 1st January 2015 the GSDCA Dog Database went live with access to Members of the GSDCA Member Clubs. The database enables quicker and more readily available access to a lot of the information that members have been familiar with in printed format. This is the initial step, and…
For information regarding photographs at the 2015 national, please read the attached notice 43rd National Photography condition of entry