GSDCA Annual Report
A copy of the 2014 GSDCA Annual Report, released at the AGM on February 7th and 8th can be viewed here GSDCA Annual Report 2014
A copy of the 2014 GSDCA Annual Report, released at the AGM on February 7th and 8th can be viewed here GSDCA Annual Report 2014
If you’re interested in keeping up to date with this years GSD National Show – even if you’re not going……download this great new phone or tablet app released by the GSDCV. Everything you need to know all together. View the instructions here
The 44th National Judges for 2016 have been confirmed and will be Herr H. Buss (Dogs) and Frau Margit van Dorssen (Bitches). The show will be in Sydney on 25th, 26th & 27th March 2016 (Easter Weekend), hosted by the GSDL
This year the GSD fraternity will be supporting the E. J. Whitten Foundation as the chosen charity for the National. The EJ Whitten Foundation raises funds towards supporting PROSTATE CANCER AWARENESS for Men’s Health. We hope to raise $5000 towards this great cause. Visit the link to donate
The Master Class is for youth handlers, at KCC Park, Melbourne, on Thursday 7 May 2015 at 4.00pm. We have the top handlers in Australia and overseas to give you some lessons and tips on how to present your dog in stance and in movement. RSVP by Thursday 23 April to Jess Lynch by email…
For information regarding photographs at the 2015 national, please read the attached notice 43rd National Photography condition of entry
We are pleased to announce that on 1st January 2015 the GSDCA Dog Database went live with access to Members of the GSDCA Member Clubs. The database enables quicker and more readily available access to a lot of the information that members have been familiar with in printed format. This is the initial step, and…
This is a scheme for betterment of the GSD breed. A new simplified electronic form for capturing health information regarding the GSD has now been established. It is extremely important that our Hereditary Diseases Committee can receive data relating to the health of the GSD in a timely manner and this form has now simplified…
Changes to the GSDCA ED Control Scheme as from 1st July 2014 For complete details, refer here: Changes to the GSDCA ED Control Scheme_July 2014_GSDCA Member Clubs
For complete details see the tooth certificate page GSDCA requirements for owners and exhibitors. Click here
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