The agenda for the GSDCA Annual General Meeting to be held on February 4th (and 5th) is available here
The agenda for the National Breed Commision and Judges Committee Meetings are available here
Agenda for the upcoming National Breed Commission and Judges Committee Meeting, along with the Breed Survey Forum are now available here. NBC Meeting Agenda July 2016 Judges Committee Meeting Agenda July 2016 GSDCA Breed Survey Forum Programme July 2016
The GSDCA 2021 Annual Report, presented to the 61st Annual General Meeting held 5th February can be viewed here
The Annual General Meeting of the German Shepehrd Dog Council of Australia will be held this weekend Febaruty 8th and 9th in Melbounre. The Agenda and all documents can be viewed here.
WUSV Harmonisation – further information received Re: Further Clarification with regard to a ‘FAIL’ in ZAP Part 1. We have received the following advice from the CDO: Failure in ZAP Part 1 is based on the dog not passing the gun test or if it is found to be aggressive or shy. It can proceed…
The German Shepherd Dog Council of Australia’s 2019 Annual Report, as presented to the AGM on February 8th can be viewed here