WUSV Mintes
The 2018 WUSV Meeting minutes can be viewed here
The GSDCA Executvie advises that the 60 day motions from the AGM held in February have all been carried, following meetings by affiliate memmber clubs. The correspondecne can be viewwed here.
The GSDCA 2022 Annual Report, presented to the AGM on February 4th is now available. View the report here
Members are advised of an amendment to clarify Schedule 17 in the Agenda for the GSDCA SGM on July 28 2017. Note that clubs were advised of this amendment prior to any meetings being held and the amended schedule was presented. The amended Schedule is as follows: Schedule 17 Breed Survey The first Breed Survey…
Following the AGM in February, the 60 motions resulting from that meeting for voting by members clubs are available here
Read the GSDCA’s report from the WUSV World Congress held in Lerma in April 2023. Read here
A copy of the 2014 GSDCA Annual Report, released at the AGM on February 7th and 8th can be viewed here GSDCA Annual Report 2014