GSDCA Dog Database

We are pleased to announce that effective from Thursday 1st January 2015 the GSDCA Dog Database is live with access to Members of the GSDCA Member Clubs.

The database enables quicker and more readily available access to a lot of the information that members have been familiar with in printed format in Breed Survey books. Over time it is anticipated that more information will be available in the database

Access is available to Club Members, and not the general public. By doing it this way Database access will be another benefit for those people that become members of your club.

Each Member Club is provided a unique USERNAME and PASSWORD (login details). Each Member Club distributes these details to current members, so that they can access the database.

The link for the database is:

We hope you find the Database interesting and informative.

For further specific information relevant to Australia, please request same by contacting the GSD Database Co-ordinator, Mr Frank Moody :- Phone: 03 5426 4286 – E-mail